7,696 Calgariansreceived support at CUPS
61,941 points of servicedelivered across all programs
1,786 peopleused our services for the first-time last year
2,732 hourswere spent providing clients with support through Client Navigation and Care Coordination
Think of it as a person standing in the middle of a circle. Each way they turn, there is wrap-around care that is collaborative and connected. 360 degrees of impact. Primary health care. Housing support. Parenting education. Preventative mental health treatment. Addictions support.
This patient-centred approach to integrated care is removing barriers and empowering clients and creating the space for them to create and work towards their goals to improve well-being.
Whether it’s a financial barrier — needing a damage deposit for a rental, a connection to a mental health counsellor or a primary care provider — or simply needing access to a computer or getting the right identification, CUPS helps clients address and tackle these barriers one by one.
572 individualsreceived food hampers and gift cards for basic needs assistance
4,953 unique individualsaccessed CUPS health services over last year
27,564 total health clinic visitsin-person, through outreach, and remotely
860 points of servicebetween referred or registered patients and STOAT Peer Navigators
22,060 times health workers worked on behalf of patients beyond patient visits, including case management
6,511 outreach visitsprovided by CUPS doctors and nurse practitioners. (4,000 direct visits and 2,511 indirect visits)
Same day access appointmentsaccounted for 13% of all doctors and nurse practitioners primary care direct visits
Through a dynamic capital campaign, our community stepped forward and together, we have created a new space that is more welcoming, effective and efficient. With more mental health capacity, a sacred ceremony space and dedicated, trauma-informed client spaces, wrap-around, integrated care is easier to access.
Join us as we share more about the people we are supporting and how we are making 360 degrees of impact.
390 individuals were new enrollments in the Opioid Agonist Treatment program
90% of housing clientshave been stably housed for 1 year or longer
151 householdsreceived financial assistance for first month's rent, utilities, to avoid evictions and other emergency support
648 clientswere actively care planning in 1 or more areas in their most recent Integrated Care Tool assessment
Mental health is experiencing homelessness. Mental health is struggling to feed your children. Mental health is dealing with physical health challenges without access to a doctor.
At the core of our commitment to fostering resilience and empowering our clients is the recognition that mental health is integral to integrated care. Mental health is Impact 360.
We are witnessing the community rally together to support this focus on preventative mental health. In August 2022, the Willow Park Golf and Country Club chose us as the recipient charity of their Willow Park Charity Golf Classic. This was an incredible launch to our fundraising efforts to support a massive capital project focused on community mental health. Other organizations joined in and the government stepped forward to match the support. We are united in our pursuit of solutions and collectively moving towards a brighter future.
This unity, driven by the power of collaboration with our partners in the community, is at the forefront of our newly reopened Welcome to CUPS space. It’s a space designed with a trauma-informed approach, supporting our integrated care model and setting the foundation for change in a safe and comfortable environment. Whether someone is looking for primary health care or addictions treatment, family development programs or support in finding housing, CUPS is there to support a client on their journey.
Transformative change begins when someone first opens the door at CUPS. From the new private spaces for clients to share experiences with a care coordinator, to a ceremony space as a place of healing for many and an expanded mental health space…it’s all interconnected and tied back to integrated, preventative mental health care.
We don’t pretend to know someone’s story before they tell it. Every single individual that walks through our doors — and down the street — has their own unique experience, personal trauma and a private load they are carrying that could be weighing them down. Our role is not to pass judgment but to listen from a space of compassion and empathy. To be curious and ask questions. Through that we learn what happened to them and determine what success looks like for them. We are here to support them on that journey.
The world has changed in the last several years. We’ve met unprecedented challenges head on and faced new realities as a community. But through our proactive approach to integrated care, we’ve also found an opportunity to highlight the true power of our community, to come together into a space of compassion and curiosity.
It’s your support that is enabling us to realize this vision. Your partnership and unwavering commitment to the community plays an instrumental role in strengthening us from all sides. You are making 360 degrees of impact with your support.
On behalf of the CUPS Board of Directors, our staff and clients - thank you.
2,380 direct outreach visitsby doctors and nurse practitioners to shelters provided health support
1,287 new patientswere seen at the CUPS health clinic
2,340 client lab appointmentswere provided by CUPS
546 unique individualswere connected to Opioid Agonist Treatment, with an average wait time of 0 days from referral to enrolment
479 individualsengaged with the program through either connecting with outreach support or through enrolling in the STOAT program
When someone is experiencing homelessness and near starvation, they do whatever they need to survive. When Deb was caught in the act of shoplifting food, she was arrested and hauled away. But that dark moment truly led to a chance for redemption.
“It was pretty darn scary,” Deb says. “But because I had no criminal record and I was experiencing mental health problems, I was put into the Diversion program.” The program, which aims to support Albertans to access services to address their needs, instead of pushing them into the justice system, opened new doors to Deb.
One of those doors was CUPS.
65 individualsenrolled in the STOAT program and received intensive case management
386 individualsengaged with STOAT outreach support
12,095 individualshad direct visits with a nurse practitioner/doctor (NP/MD)
31 cellphoneswere distributed to individuals in Connect2Care
Health care is a basic human right. But for individuals and families who are experiencing poverty and trauma, due to circumstances beyond their control, accessing health services may not be a priority.
As a key component of providing integrated care, CUPS is working to tackle complex health care challenges while addressing social service priorities by engaging clients when they are ready with a primary care health team.
44 clients graduatedfrom a CUPS housing program
24% of patientsthat were previously not connected to a primary care provider were connected through the Street Outreach Addictions Team
199 Naloxone kitswere distributed through the STOAT program
30% of patientsthat were previously without medication coverage on intake were connected to medication coverage through the Street Outreach Addictions Team
1,156 patient visits with clinical staff, both in person and remote through STOAT
104 individualssaw CUPS Rapid Care Counselling counsellors across 190 sessions. 78 of unique clients had single session and 26 had ongoing sessions.
“Securing safe housing can be an incredible step in someone’s journey.”
It’s something that Kristin Larson, Interim Manager of the CUPS Housing program, reflects on almost daily as she works with our team to actively connect and engage with about 150 landlords around Calgary to help house clients.
169 specialist visitsat the Women’s Health Clinic
68 children
aged 3-6 yearswere enrolled in the Child Development Centre
When CUPS received start-up funding from Calgary's Mental Health and Addiction Investment Framework to establish new mental health support groups, two circles of opportunity opened up for CUPS and its clients.
680 clientsreceived mental health counselling and treatment either on site or remotely
Connect 2 Care connected87 individuals to housing
1,854 Women’s Health Clinic visits along with 1,741 case management points of service (excluding specialist visits)
404 adults, many with children were supported to access, and maintain subsidized housing through CUPS’ Key Case Management, Community Development and Graduated Subsidy programs
90 clients were assistedin transitioning to long-term support through the C2C graduation program
Each CDC student received 825 hoursof center-based programming that includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, art therapy, physical therapy, and physiotherapy
100% of studentswho completed Kindergarten in June 2022 graduated to Grade 1
206 individualsengaged with the Family Development Centre
Financials Supporters Impact Report/Charity Intelligence
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To find out more, please email [email protected], [email protected], or phone 403-221-8780.